

Visiona TV leads the production of the documentary El Mundo en Pausa, the largest audiovisual co-production ever carried out with the participation of 23 countries in Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

Visiona TV is in the post-production phase of the documentary El Mundo en Pausa, created jointly with 23 countries of Latin America and where it is shown how it is going the lockdown in a specific day of all these countries, on April 30, 2020.

El Mundo en Pausa relates how the confinement due to the coronavirus pandemic is going in each of these countries, with the particularity that they are the same protagonists, the citizens, who with their mobiles show their particular reality. Their fears, their worries, their worries, their joys, in short, life on a day of confinement. More than 4,000 videos received that will be transformed into a historical documentary.

Here’s El Mundo en Pausa teaser:

The filming of "UN MUNDO PARA JULIUS"

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Visiona TV retakes the recordings of the monologues program 20Vint on the TVE sets